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Game conditions 199.Lottery    Game conditions 198.Lottery

Game conditions for the 199th class lottery

These terms and conditions apply to the 199th lottery (from 11.11.2024) and override all previous ones.By participating in the Class Lottery, the players acknowledge and agree to the following terms and conditions.

1. Legal Basis

Legal Basis for carrying out the class lottery is the Austrian Gaming Act 1989, BGBl. Nr. 620/1989 in the applicable version. Carrying out the class lottery is an exclusive right of the Republic of Austria. The „Österreichische Lotterien Gesellschaft m.b.H.“ (with its seat in Vienna, registered under number FN 54472 g in the Companies’ Register of the Commercial Court Vienna, hereinafter the “Company”) is entitled to carry out the class lottery in accordance with their issued licence. For the conduct of the class lottery, the company must establish game conditions that are valid in their most recently published version. The validity of the game conditions comes into effect on the day following their publication in the digital official gazette of the Republic of Austria ( The participant acknowledges them as binding upon the purchase of the ticket.

2. Term

The class lottery is a draw where the game quotas have a chance of winning in several subsequent segments. The winners are determined by public draws.

3. Tickets

A ticket bears a number between 1 and 250,000, the description of the class, the facsimile of the management board of the Company and the name of the issuing branch office. The tickets are issued in whole tickets (10 ticket quotas of a ticket number), in half tickets (5 ticket quotas of a ticket number), in tenths of a ticket or in several tenths of a ticket. The ticket quotas of a number are distinguished by the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

4. Gaming Capital, Payout Ratio

The gaming capital of all six classes amounts to EUR 225,000,000.-. The payout ratio amounts to 54% of the revenues.

5. Gaming Contract, Ticket Price

5.1 The ticket price (the class contribution) amounts to EUR 150.- for each of the six classes for the entire ticket, therefore EUR 75.- for the half ticket and EUR 15.- for the tenth of a ticket and shall be paid on the day before the first drawing day of each class. When paying by bank transfer or deposit, the date of payment at the bank or post office will be considered as date of payment. Thereby, the right to winnings and to the purchase of a ticket of the same number of the next class is ensured.

5.2 In case the ticket price is paid after this date, the game participant acquires – as long as the ticket number has not already been rightfully resold –the right to winnings and to the purchase of a ticket of the same number of the next class from the next drawing day after the date of payment.

5.3 The branch offices of the class lottery assume no liability for transfers that have not been carried out properly.

5.4 A person who has purchased a ticket between the 2nd and 6th class which has not been played in the previous class (further purchase of a ticket), shall pay extra for the ticket price for the classes that have already been played. A ticket that has been purchased according to point 5.4 is entitled to winnings from the drawing day that follows the date of payment. The purchaser is not entitled to previous winnings of the ticket.

5.5 All tickets are continuously taking part in the game and can win multiple times on every drawing day with the exception of the four lowest winner categories on 18.11., 16.12.2024, 13.1., 10.2., 10.3. and 7.4.2025. On 22.04.2025 all tickets can win multiple times. On all other drawing dates tickets with the exception of the lowest winning category can win multiple times. 5.6 The sale of tickets below the stipulated price are prohibited.

5.7 Credited amounts that stem from previous winnings and are not sufficient for the payment of all played (sold) tickets, are credited to the ticket price of the tickets for the next class, thereafter in ascending numerical order towards the ticket price of the remaining ordered (purchased) tenths of a ticket up until the last fully paid ticket quota. This also applies to full and half tickets consisting of 10 tenths or 5 tenths of a ticket. Partial amounts that cannot be attributed are added to the credits of the game participant. Amounts that cannot be attributed are credited to the game participant’s account.

5.8 In case the Company allocates free tickets of the class lottery or free tickets of an additional class for a particular reason, the Company remunerates only the quota of the winning amount that stems from the free tickets of the class lottery. Free tickets provided may not be transferred and will not be redeemed for cash.

6. Ticket Sale, Branch Offices of the Class Lottery

6.1 Tickets are sold by the branch offices of the class lottery and their contract partners (points of sale of the class lottery).

6.2 Costs in the amount of EUR 3.- per class are charged for the winning plan and winning table as well as their dispatch including the ticket dispatch and the dispatch of the deposit confirmation. Additional costs initiated by the game participant are charged separately.

6.3 Depositing tickets is free of charge and a deposit confirmation is issued.

7. Right to a ticket of the same number

7.1 The branch offices offer their clients – if possible – the same ticket numbers (regular tickets) for the next lottery. There is, however, no right to be allocated the same number in the next lottery.

7.2 Tickets of the 6th class may only be distributed when the ticket prices of all classes have been fully paid. Payment arrears of other expenses that may have arisen also have to be paid by this point.

7.3 Tickets that have been paid in due time according to point 5 of the game conditions entitle the game participant to a ticket of the same number of the next class. Tickets that have not been paid on time can be sold to new game participants.

7.4 In case the rightfully demanded ticket cannot be dispatched, the game participant is entitled to receive twice the amount of ticket quotas of other numbers or of the price of a further purchase of these ticket quotas. Further claims of damages cannot be made.

8. Draws

8.1 All drawings are public and are carried out under the supervision of a notary public in accordance with section 16 (10) of the Austrian Gaming Act, BGBl. Nr. 620/1989 in the applicable version on the days that are indicated on the winning plan at 9:00 am in the drawing room of the Österreichischen Lotterien Gesellschaft m.b.H., 1030 Wien, Rennweg 44. The time and location of the final draw will be announced no later than one day before the start of the 6th class in the digital official gazette of the Republic of Austria (

8.2 All prizes are determined with an electronic random generator. Winning categories in which 250 or more winnings are drawn are determined by three-digit end numbers. All winnings that are not determined by drawing a three-digit final number will be determined by drawing six-digit ticket numbers. All winnings (except the final drawing) are being determined in descending value.

, 8.3 Winnings of millions of the final drawing are determined in ascending value by drawing (from left to right) six-digit ticket numbers.

8.4 For draws of the class lottery the rules of the drawing procedure that have been brought to the attention of the Finanzamt Austria apply in the applicable version. The notary public ultimately decides on the validity of the draw under exclusion of a legal process. The draw results are published by the Company in an appropriate way.

9. Winning Lists

After every class a winning list is issued and sent to all dispatch customers. It can also be purchased at the branch offices (EUR 0,20 each for the 1st until the 5th class and EUR 0,40 each for the 6th class) and is also available for inspection.

10. Winning Payouts

10.1 All winning amounts that are indicated on the winning plan are amounts in Euros. All winnings except for the winnings in the gold class are paid income-tax-free by the branch office where the ticket was purchased against the presentation of the tickets or deposit confirmations that were given to the game participant.

10.2 If the winner asks for the payment via bank or post transfer, the transfer is made at the risk and expense of the winner. Partial Tickets are paid in the respective quota of the contribution.

10.3 Winning payouts of more than EUR 1,000.10 are only made upon presentation of a valid official photo identification. There is no obligation to check the authorization of the presenter of the identification. The winning payout can also be withheld in case there are doubts about the authorization. In case a ticket’s number or authenticity cannot be reliably determined, no payment is made; it shall be considered as a lost ticket (see point 12).

11. Payout Period

11.1 Winnings of each class are payable starting from the second workday after the draw.

11.2 Winning tickets that have not been claimed within three years after the last drawing date of the respective class will be fully used for the participants of the games of the Company. The mode for calculating the period for payments and for the amounts shall be determined on a case by case basis. The proper use shall be verified by auditors annually. All unclaimed winnings shall be used accordingly within three years after they have accrued.

12. Procedure in case of ticket loss

12.1 Game participants shall notify the branch office in writing in case of a loss of tickets or deposit confirmations immediately, but no later than the end of the payout period. Their rights to a ticket of the same number and the to the winning payout remain provided that the ticket number for the next class and the winning have not yet been given to the presenter of the ticket.

12.2 The winning payout regarding a lost ticket is only made upon presentation of a signed receipt within the payout period of the person notifying the branch office about the loss. A legalisation of the signature on the receipt may be required.

13. Liability

13.1 The Company shall not be liable for acts or omissions of their branch offices or their points of sale for class lottery tickets that were not foreseen or contradict these game conditions. This also concerns any liability for damages caused by criminal offences by third persons, by force majeure or for any other reasons not within the responsibility of the Company.

13.2 The branch offices and the points of sale for class lottery tickets shall only be liable for wilful intent and gross negligence.

13.3 Any complaints against the branch offices shall be submitted to the Company.

14. Final Provisions

14.1 The Company and the branch offices of the class lottery as well as their points of sale for class tickets are obliged to safeguard game secrecy, particularly the name of a game participant may only be disclosed with the explicit consent of the game participant.

14.2 The place of performance and the place of jurisdiction shall be Vienna. Austrian Law shall apply.

15. State Supervision

The class lottery is carried out under state supervision in accordance with section 19 of the Austrian Gaming Act, BGBl. Nr. 620/1989 in the applicable version.

Source:, 06.09.2024

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